4 Lessons From Solo Travel

Navin Sahjpaul
11 min readJun 6, 2023


Photo taken at Subway Wave/Boynton canyon in Sedona, AZ

Near the end of last year, I embarked on a solo 6 week road trip, driving over 10,000 KM, exploring the states of Washington, Oregon, California, Arizona, Utah, & Nevada

In Spring of 2022, I graduated from a 2 year full time Bachelor of Music Therapy program from Capilano University, and immediately afterwards began working full time in the healthcare system as a Music Therapist, working in clinical therapeutic environments with individuals suffering from Addiction, PTSD, Schizophrenia, Drug-induced psychosis, Suicidal ideation, and Depression

After dedicating my early 20's to pursuing an education and commencing my career as a Music Therapist, getting a clear vision on what my career path is within this world, it was time for me to take a break for solo travel, something which I have never done before and have always desired to do

During this experience, I spent a great deal of time in the presence of my own company, reflecting on my life path, contemplating a wide array of ideas related to healing, philosophy, growth, personal development, and what it means to be alive in this world

Here are 4 lessons I learned from this solo travelling experience that remains close to my heart to this day…

The Art Of Embracing Uncertainty

In this life that we live, the experience of time is an integral part of our daily reality, the existence of the past, present, and future. When you slow down, pause, and reflect on this, you can begin to notice that each moment is dying into the next moment in a seamless sequential manner, just like words on a page, pages in a chapter, and chapters in a book. We are moving forward through time, and as a result there is the past (experiences which unfolded in our yesterday), the present (experiences which are unfolding right now), and the future (experiences which will unfold in the next moment/tomorrow)

One thing every single human being has to deal with as we live daily existence is the uncertainty of not knowing what will happen in the next moment/tomorrow. When it comes to the experiences that will unfold in the next moment/tomorrow, there is simply no way that we can predict the specifics of what will happen to us or what life will throw our way. Think back to one year ago from now and reflect on the events that unfolded within your life which influenced and shaped the person you are today; was there any way you could have predicted the exact details of what would happen in terms of the life experiences which would unfold that would shape your heart and mind as you exist today?

Apply this to the present moment within which you exist now and think about your life a year from now, five years from now, ten years from now…

What I am getting at is that there is no way you can predict the exact specificities of what life experiences you will undergo which will shape and influence who you are, or the trajectory of where your life will end up

We can have an idea of what will happen based on what has happened, we can have an expectation of what will happen based on what is happening, we can have a desire of what we want to happen, we can have fears of what we do not want to happen, but ultimately these are all just speculations within our minds and truly there is no way of knowing what will unfold in our next moment/tomorrow. This is the essence of uncertainty

Now it is important to note that fear is a natural response in the face uncertainty because it can be anxiety inducing when we do not know what will happen, and rightly so for if we do not know what will happen, how can we then prepare ourselves to feel adequately ready to tackle what life throws our way?

This is precisely where the word embrace comes into play, learning to understand that on the other end of this fear is where the magic of human existence, learning to lean into the unknown rather than running away from it. We do not know what will happen, and that is in many ways where the beauty is. It is a conscious choice we can make within ourselves, to keep our head up as we fully confront the unknown, to choose optimism and hope even when life presents us with unexpected life experiences which are rooted in suffering, pain, and disconnection

Furthermore think about this; if we knew every single detail of how our life would unfold from this moment onwards, every experience, every feeling, thought, and experience down to the last detail, then daily existence would truly become a mundane place wouldn’t it? Therefore, it is the fact that we do not know what will happen that keeps us on our toes, awaiting for the unfolding of our life in both anxiousness and excitement. This is part of embracing uncertainty, accepting that we do not and cannot know what will happen, and understanding that this is precisely where the magic is. To lean into the unknown of it all, to sit with it without running away, to walk into the next moment/ tomorrow with our head up and hearts open despite the fact that we do not know what life will present our way

The Mystery of Human Existence

When I look up at the stars at night I note to myself that there is seemingly nothing that separates us from the infinite universe, then I look down and around at the world within which I live, and note that there is seemingly everything that separates us from ourselves and each other, and that far too many human hearts have become disconnected from the pure magic of simply being alive

The idea of being bored is something that does not exist for me, for within each and every moment I am aware that just existing, breathing, and being in and of itself is a gift that should never, ever be taken for granted. A core reason for this is that I reflect on the mystery of human existence on a daily basis, and the reflections revolve around the following questions:

  1. What exactly are we? Our existence consists of embodying a sense of self which occupies a body that is our vehicle through which we interact and engage with the world. Our sense of self is situated behind our eyes and in between our ears, it is our consciousness, our experience of being alive, something that every single human being has. Our sense of self is who we are, our name, persona, characteristics, mannerisms, personality traits, our dreams, thoughts, feelings, desires, fears, and much much more. It is fascinating to note that every single human being you see is the same as you in the this way, in that they are experiencing reality looking outwards from within, that each one of us has a sense of “I am (insert name here)”
  2. How did we get here? Our existence comes to fruition through a process that we can observe, analyze, and deconstruct, but may never be fully able to understand in terms of what is the exact source of the creation of life and human consciousness. From nothingness we appear, are born into the world, and exist as a living, breathing person. Where was our consciousness/sense of self before our conception?
  3. What will happen when we die? As to what exactly happens to our sense of self after the physical body decays, there is not an agreed upon consensus within humanity. This is why so many religious and spiritual affiliations or beliefs exist, all attempting to decode this great unknown of death that to this day remains to be a question mark. Quite simply, no ones truly knows, and that is the great mystery
  4. Where are we? Every single human being that you see and interact with all exist in the same place, on a planet that is floating somewhere in the middle of the infinite universe, a dark, vast void of empty space filled with stars and planets that extend far beyond what the eye can see. One must never, ever forget that all of this human life is occurring on a single planet which floats in the middle of a void that is so large it is incomprehensible for the mind to truly comprehend. Everyone that has lived and is living now, all have done so on earth, our home
  5. What does all of this mean? We are all expected to create and live a life with the awareness that one day mortality will find us all, with the awareness that in a 100 years from this moment the vast majority of human beings alive today will be dead and walking the earth will be an entirely new collection of human beings

There is a great amount of ambiguity within these questions, and the idea of obtaining definite, concrete answers may seem far out of reach. What further fuels this ambiguity is that sometimes we have the ability to ask complex questions, the responses to which our minds at times may not necessarily have the capacity to comprehend

That being said, dedicating time and energy unto reflecting on these questions matters greatly because it wakes us up the great mystery of human existence, it wakes us up to the fact that we do not know, and in my opinion it is a great tragedy that some human hearts have become disconnected from this mystery. And what a beautiful thing it is to not know, for as a result we are provided with the opportunity to ask questions, to embody a curious, inquisitive attitude and outlook, examining our inner experience of being a human being that exists inside of reality. The mystery of it all is alive and well, for in a vast void of empty space we are all here, living out our lives, so immersed in our drama, and one day we will depart. It does not get more epic than this…

This experience is complex in unimaginable ways, and we are simply here along for the ride, walking around on a planet that is our home, situated in space, darkness and silence for millions of miles, a never ending expanse of nothingness, and then us, tiny little humans, each one of us the protagonist of the drama of our inner life, experiencing daily existence from within ourselves, developing relationships with others, going to work, studying, hoping, socializing, loving, eating, sleeping, dating, fearing, surviving, being, creating, suffering, living out life while being so unbelievably occupied with the journey

This is the mystery of human existence, and what magnificent mystery it is

The Art Of Knowing Yourself

One pertinent aspect of life which greatly influences the person we are and become is our relationships with other people

Through engaging with other people we learn so much about ourselves, and the relationships we cultivate with others can serve as influential catalysts for growth, development, and healing (family, friends, partners, colleagues, peers, neighbours, etc)

However, one observation that was solidified during this solo travelling experience is that ultimately one of the most important relationships we have in life is the relationship we have with our own self

Whether we like it or not we occupy our bodies and minds on a 24/7 basis. We are born, experience the life around us through our bodies and minds, and ultimately face death on our own. Therefore, it actually serves our own best interest to develop and deepen our relationship with ourselves because more often than not, the quality of the relationship that we have with ourselves informs the quality of relationships we have with others

To know yourself requires you to dedicate time and energy unto figuring out who and what you are away from the relationships and identities you have in the world, to commit to a path where inner exploration is an essential personal value and daily inquiry into the nature of your inner mind and heart is a priority

When you dedicate time and energy unto getting to know yourself, you are able to achieve a deeper, more meaningful understanding of who and what you are. This includes learning about what aspects of life that fill you with joy and connection, learning about what you need in order for you to show up in the world as the most loving, authentic version of yourself, learning about your weak spots, flaws, wounds, and imperfections and how to tend to these aspects when they show up so that you can find a inner sense of wholeness

It is very important to note here that sometimes we get to know who and what we are by directly experiencing who and what we are not. Sometimes we learn about our essence when we step out of alignment with our truth and authenticity. So in situations where we come away from and say “you know, the person I embodied in that experience is not me, is not who I am” we can bring this insight into our awareness, understanding that every experience can be an opportunity for learning and growth if we choose to perceive them as so

Lastly, there is a level of joy that you can experience in life which cannot be conveyed through words when you dedicate time and energy unto knowing yourself, when you feel deeply connected to your body, spirit, heart, and mind. Knowing yourself is power in this world, it is when you are able to accept and love yourself as you are, therefore freeing yourself from requiring any need for validation from the external world in order to feel complete and whole

Do Not Be Afraid of Death, Be Afraid of Not Living

This is a reflection that I have been quite close to for a few years now, and it has not only help shape the person I am today, but also continues to greatly influence how I choose to live every day existence

The core of this idea is that death comes whether we like it or not, one day mortality will come knocking on your door, beckoning you to your fate, and no matter how many locks or barricades you may place upon the door, death will find its way in, and quite literally take your very last breath away

However, until that day comes we have this experience of life, and in my opinion it would be a great tragedy if we failed to live life to the fullest while we have the opportunity to do so

What the human heart should be deeply afraid of is being near the end of life and looking back on one’s existence filled with regret for not doing the things they always desired to do, but for whatever reason never got around to doing

We simply do not know if we get another shot at existence, quite simply this one life could be all there is, and after death it could be an empty void of nothingness, so sit with this, contemplate it deeply, and let it inform how you choose to live your life

Live valiantly, love courageously, and die with no lingering regrets. Embrace the sorrows and cherish all of the joys, make room to cultivate gratitude for the little things such as being alive, having breath, being able to see, hear, touch, smell, having fingers. Shed your tears of grief and laugh deeply, embody your authenticity, do not be afraid to make mistakes, and never ever give up. Dedicate time and energy unto figuring out what your dream looks like, then cultivate the discipline required for giving this dream the best chance it possibly has at becoming a lived experience

Closing Thoughts

As I have grown older through the years, I have learned to make peace with the idea that sometimes we have the ability to ask questions to which the responses our minds may not necessarily have the capacity to fully comprehend. Therefore, I have decided that the answers I seek lies in the landscape of the heart, and now I look not to satiate my inquisitive mind, but rather I seek a sensation, a feeling, a knowing in the deepest core of my body of something rooted in the one thing that seems to be an undeniable part of this entire experience, love. I can honestly say that death does not frighten me, I have made peace with my mortality. I am not sure how I arrived at the place I currently abide, but I know it was a result of my hard work and determination for growth, healing, and inner knowing. I am honestly just happy to be alive, and every single day no matter the situation I awake and go to sleep with this gratitude for existence

To stay connected with my work: https://www.navinsahjpaul.com/

Peace & love folks



Navin Sahjpaul
Navin Sahjpaul

Written by Navin Sahjpaul

Music Therapist, BMT | M.A. in Counselling Student | Certified Yoga Teacher | Musician // navinsahjpaul.com

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